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Chair Lift5/8

Interclub Race Program

Racing for U8-U14's

Racing for U8-U14's

  • Ages:

    U8: 6 or 7 years old as of December 31
    U10: 8 or 9 years old as of December 31
    U12: 10 or 11 years old as of December 31
    U14: 12 or 13 years old as of December 31, for previous members of Interclub or with Race Director's permission.

  • Experience:

    Must be able to load and unload a chairlift safely (including using the bar) unassisted. Must be comfortable skiing all trails. Family ready for travel ski racing.

  • Equipment:

    Hard-eared helmets, race skis, poles, and goggles.

  • Membership Requirements:

    U.S. Ski & Snowboard and Tri-State

  • Athelete Capacity:

    We will take a total of 125 athletes -- sign up early!

About Interclub

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Racing for U8-U14's (Ages 6-13 as of December 31 of the current year) | Projected Start Date: December 21 weather dependent 

This program is designed for young kids who have skiing experience and wish to develop their skills in a competitive athletic environment. We emphasize fun, focus, effort, and self-esteem in a supportive team environment.

This 2-day commitment is greater than the Devo program, and while most activity remains at Catamount, families will be expected to bring their children to 2-3 races at other nearby mountains. The Interclub program is an introduction to the world of ski racing, but the emphasis remains on focused free skiing and drills to develop foundational ski skills used in racing. The ultimate target is for the racers to move onto the more competitive Tri-State program.


There is no strict prerequisite. Our coaches consider each child’s eligibility and fit withthe Interclub program on a case-by-case basis. The kids are expected to have skiing experience and skills, and this is not a program for first time skiers. They need to have the ability to ride lifts by themselves. Commitment to the program by the racer and family is the key to success.


Training is on Saturday and Sunday, beginning in mid-December, conditions permitting. During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, we hold a Holiday Race Camp, which is included in the Interclub program.  A typical training day begins at 9am and ends at 2 pm, with an unsupervised hour lunch break at 11 am.  Times and training will change based on weather and ski conditions.

Most of the training will not be focused on racecourse gates. Free skiing-based drillsare used to develop the athletes’ understanding of the complex components of effectiveracing turns in a racecourse. Pulling those components together is the measure of success.


Interclub kids compete in 3-4 races at Catamount and other mountains. Most of the races are Giant Slalom and there is no requirement for slalom equipment. Families are responsible for registering their athletes for competitions.


Pricing for the 24/25 Season

Purchase byPrice

We will take a total of 125 athletes -- sign up early!

Important Notes

  • All program fees must be paid in full prior to athletes’ participation in on-hill activities.
  • All Early Season Discounts will be applied at checkout
  • Season’s passes are required for all participants, are not included in the program fee, and must be purchased separately.


Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Please be aware, this is a 2 step process that requires all families complete the following:

  1. Click on the Register Now button above to register on our site.
  2. Create an account through TeamSideline at Catamount Alpine Ski Team ( to register each child under the “enroll” icon. Registration on TeamSideline is mandatory. It is extremely important to upload to TeamSideline  all information, including both parents’ email addresses and cell phone numbers, as Team Sideline will be used for all team communications throughout the season. The Catamount TeamSideline site provides detailed information on registrations for the team and races, equipment, and other useful matters.


USSS (U.S. Ski & Snowboard) and TSASRA (“Tri-State” or Tri-State Alpine Ski Racing Association) memberships are required before participating in an Interclub race.

When registering with USSS, the athlete must designate Catamount Ski Team as their program. Athletes must be signed up as an Alpine Competitor member (not a general member, which won’t allow you to sign up for races). Tri-State membership will be processed automatically as a part of the USSS process.

Key entries: State=Massachusetts; Club=Catamount Alpine Racing; Sport=Alpine; Membership=Alpine Competitor

U.S. Ski and Snowboard website:

Tri-State Alpine Ski Racing Association website:

Parents Association

Membership in the Parents Association is a separate fee. The Parents Association mission is to support the events and activities of the Catamount Ski Team in ways agreed upon with the director of the racing program. Joining this association is a wonderful way to
plug into our racing community, learn some of the ins and outs of the sport from veteran families and experienced ski racing parents, and help support some of the great events we host here at Catamount.

*** Note *** In the interest of providing safe, fun, and productive experiences, all training and racing activity is subject to cooperative weather and snow conditions.