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Cardboard Classic presented by Claverack Well & Pump Service

March 22, 2025

Let your creativity show for Catamount's third annual Cardboard Classic Event. The only limit is your imagination as you design a cardboard sled and race it down the mountain. 

Catamount's third annual Cardboard Classic event is sure to be a blast! Let the creativity flow as you design a sled using only cardboard and tape. Will your sled be the fastest or will it sputter out on its run down the hill? Either way, there is lots of fun to be had at this free event and awards will be given out in multiple categories, including:

  • Fastest overall sled
  • Most creative design
  • Best overall sled
  • Best team spirit
  • People's choice
  • Best Catamount department entry

The following rules must be followed:

  • Online registration form must be filled out by Thursday, March 20th! Registration may be cut off sooner based upon number of entries.
  • Teams may consist of 1-4 people — all team members must ride in the sled.
  • Sleds must be made of cardboard and tape - no other materials (paint and paper decorations are allowed). Dressing up in support of a design/theme is encouraged.
  • Sled must have "Catamount" and "2025" clearly written on them.
  • All participants must sign a waiver/release of liability prior to starting the event. Children under the age of 18 must have a parent/guardian sign the waiver/release of liability on their behalf.
  • Event starts at 1PM - all participants must check-in prior to race start. Registration will be from 9am-10am - more info to follow.