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Catamount Mountain Resort Hosting Summer Music Series on Friday Nights


Live music, quality food & drink, and fresh mountain air round out this free 7-week concert series

Hillsdale, NY/Egremont, MA – June 20, 2023

Catamount Mountain Resort is thrilled to announce the lineup for it's first ever Summer Music Series. The Catamount Summer Music Series, presented by Claverack Well & Pump Service, will take place over 7-weeks, every Friday night from July 7th through August 18th from 4:30pm to 8pm. Seven talented local/regional bands will be playing the stage on the back patio for this free to attend event.

The band lineup for the Summer Music Series consists of Erin Harpe and the Delta Swingers on July 7th, Sister Funk on July 14th, The Nate Martel Trio on July 21st, Hedtrip on July 28th, The Silver Chain Band on August 4th, Victrola on August 11th, and The Saints on August 18th. Our stage and entertainment lineup is sponsored by Salisbury Bank. Guest are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs but there are also picnic tables and benches on our back patio.

Along with the live music filling the air, the Catamount food and beverage team will be serving up tasty foods and a variety of drinks throughout the concerts. All guests will also have the opportunity to enter into a free raffle each night with prizes donated by our supporting sponsors to be raffled off during the set break. Catamount's outdoor summer activities including the Zip Tour, Aerial Adventure Park, and Scenic Chairlift Rides will also operate with extended hours during the music series (subject to reservation availability).

During the July 21st concert, Catamount will also be hosting a preview night of its Thirsty Cat Beer, Wine, and Music Festival that is being held on July 22nd and 23rd. This preview night will consist of a limited selection of the over 50 beer & hard cider taps that will be available during the festival.

Catamount's Summer Music Series is brought to you with support from Presenting Sponsor Claverack Well & Pump Service; Stage and Entertainment Sponsor Salisbury Bank; and Supporting Sponsors Hillsdale General Store, HGS Home Chef, South Egremont Spirit Shoppe, Herrington's, and VFW Post 7552 in Hillsdale.

More information about the Catamount Summer Music Series along with band descriptions can be found at

Media Contacts:
Ian Tomasch, Marketing Manager – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (413) 214-7166
Dave Kulis, Assistant General Manager – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (413) 679-3198

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